Enough With the Rubber Flip-Flop
Tina, here.
In the spirit of calling spring to come hither, we are talking about flip-flops today. And my disgust with rubber flip-flops, especially the ones that have grosgrain ribbon, or worse, rhinestones, on them. So adorable on children, and like many other fashion no-no's, ridiculous on adult women. What are your alternatives? And what if you have bunions and flip-flops are just the only shoe you can comfortably wear? I'm so glad you asked.

Please. For the love of God. No French Pedicures. Or bedazzled flip-flops. Photo by Rachel Dove.

Oh the ladybugs are soooo cute! Exactly. Do you want to be cute? Not since kindergarten. Image by Surra on Poshmark.

Great shower shoes for your next women's retreat where you have to use public showers. Terrible pool shoe. And horrible, no-good running-around-town shoe. It's a pseudo-shoe, really. No support. No style. And gross. Photo by "William."
So what are some good run-around town flips?
You can choose an athleisure flip-flop. Great for city-walking and general heavy use. Not your fancy flip.
Ladies, if you have teenage daughters, you know of what I am about to speak. Birkenstocks are back. Yep. I just got my niece some. I told her this genre is called ugly chic. Cool.

At least I know they are good for her feet. But you are NOT allowed to wear Birkenstocks unless you wear them ironically, or you are a granola. The sneaky-sneaks? You can wear those! My faves are in February's Style Vault.
I know a very stylish and savvy girl who hates wedge flip-flops. I respect her sense of fashion sooooo much, so this pains me to say it, but I love a wedge flip-flop.

There's something so nostalgic about Jack Rogers. When my sister and her daughters started wearing them I thought they were kinda expensive. And they are (these are $148). I don't own any, but one day I might. I'm leaving the door open on this one. We snapped these beauties at Monkees of Nashville. (615) 678-1851.

These Valentino knock-offs by Peach Lounge are perfect to wear for a pedicure. This kind of rubber is ok. And they’re only $32. Also snapped at Monkees of Nashville, and I’m sure they’d be happy to send you some or some like these! (615) 678-1851.
If you have bunions and want some slides to cover them, I have sought out the perfectly stylish ones you can wear comfortably all spring and summer without exposing or rubbing those bulges. They are in March's Style Vault, and you can access them, along with all our other fabulous must-haves and spring outfits by joining. More info here.
Places I love buying flip-flops? Dollar General, beach shops and definitely in a Paris corner shop. Places I would never buy flip-flops? Goodwill (ew), the flea market (it feels the same as buying socks there, just icky), and expensive boutiques (because I don't pay a lot for summer sandals).

The shops at Seaside, FL called Serendipity are a favorite spot of mine to find little treasures and you'll never spend too much, and you'll most likely not see your purchases anywhere else. Image source Discover30a.
My best find for this spring's wedge flip-flop, with a cork sole no less (a natural shock absorber), can be found in March's Style Vault. It's a pool shoe, errand shoe and even date night shoe. Options for wide and narrow feet, too, and flats with support. Find out how to join the Vault here.
All the best,