3 Simple Ways Wearable Technology Can Improve Your Wardrobe
Hey gals! It's Deidre. As someone who is always feeling the need for instant gratification, I will be the first to admit how attached I am to my iPhone. I have to know the second I get a text, an Instagram "like," or a comment on my Facebook post. Checking my phone has become a constant addiction and a very frequent occurrence throughout my day.
Because of this tech-savvy world we live in, I'm sharing the top three ways to wear technology as a stylish accessory. (Style Vault Complete Insiders, don't miss your special discount code on my favorite purchase I've made this year! Keep reading!)
1. Apple Watch
This is probably the trendsetter of wearable tech, starting the fad of wearing your phone as an accessory. Apple is always ahead of the game and finding ways to make our lives easier and more digitally connected. I have to admit that I've never been a big fan of watches in general, so I had to rely on Barbara to get some photos of hers for this post! But it's pretty cute, huh?
I'm fascinated to see how many different band options there are, which is one way to make this giant thing look a little more stylish. Barbara has a few different bands she can switch out but the classic white is her favorite!
This definitely is a way to save you from being the person always checking their phone when it's socially impolite to do so. It will just look like you're checking the time when you're actually reading a text or email from your wrist! So sneaky.
2. Fitbit
As obsessed as I am with checking my Instagram likes, my friend Leanne is equally as addicted to checking her Fitbit steps. If she's only at 9,500 at the end of the day, she'll get her butt up and take a few laps around her condo building until she gets to 10,000. She has inspired me to do the same!
I don't think I've ever seen Leanne not wearing her Fitbit, so she chose the basic black version to help it match with anything she wears. Since her and I have complete opposite styles, it only makes sense that mine is fuchsia.
3. Ringly (MY FAVORITE!)
I like to think I was one of the first people to score this tech-savvy ring. People are always so impressed when I show them what it does. As the friend who is always getting scolded for having her phone out at dinner, I knew this ring was created for me.
My Ringly connects to my phone via bluetooth and alerts me through vibration and a small blinking light when I receive a text or a phone call. Through their free app, you can even customize the notifications. If Tina's texting me, I get two buzzes and a purple light. If the salon is calling me, I get four buzzes and a red light. I really wish I invented it because it's brilliant. I even get notified when my Uber arrives.
Not only does this help me keep my phone away at dinner, but it keeps me from leaving my phone somewhere, like on my nightstand when I leave for work. When your phone is out of the bluetooth radius, you get several buzzes with no colored light. It's a life saver!
Ringly comes in a variety of different color combinations and now they also offer a bracelet with the same technology. And you're in luck, as of writing this post, Ringly is offering 30% any smart ring. Just use code SUMMER30 at checkout. Click here for more deets. Want to get even more exclusive discounts? Become a Style Vault member so you can be stylish for less. Duh.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy staying tech-savvy and stylish!