How To Shop The Winter Sales (And What NOT To Buy)

Tina, here.



I've scoured my favorite retailers to bring you the best of the best in Winter Sales. But first...

My rules for shopping the sales:

Never spend money to save money.

Only buy something on sale if you would have wanted it at full price. A $100 pair of shoes you get for $25 is $25 wasted that you could have put towards a more expensive pair you would wear all the time.

If it doesn't fit, don't buy it.

Unless you have (1) a good tailor and (2) you have the time to take it there and be fitted, and (3) the additional cash it will take to make it fit perfectly. Hems are inexpensive. Letting out or taking in a pant leg or armhole shouldn't be too expensive. Cutting into shoulders and waistlines can be pricey.

Don't buy into trends on sale at the end of the season.

Because they will be out of style next season, and you'll still be wearing that jumpsuit you spent money on and can't deal with just calling it a mistake.


Good items to purchase at the Winter End of Season Sales:



  1. Coats
  2. Boots
  3. Handbags
  4. Any classic wardrobe staple like a white blouse or a black pencil skirt
  5. That something special you just have to have but have been waiting for it to be marked down


What not to buy during Winter End of Season Sales:

  1. Trendy jewelry
  2. Trendy shoes and boots
  3. Trendy anything, for that matter

Now you're armed and ready to shop the end of season winter sales!

Complete Insiders, log in now to shop my collections of the best of the best in the winter sales going on right now. Sop early as items are selling out fast!

Thank you for reading!



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