Accessories That Make Any Outfit Go From Dull To Dazzling

Tina, here.

Over here in my world, I wear the same clothes over and over. And over and over. It's what a classic wardrobe is all about: take a few really good wardrobe building blocks, and reinvent them every day, every season. And it really does make life easier. But it can also make life seem a little, hmmm, maybe repetitive? The answer? Accessorize the heck out of your outfit. I've taken lately to wearing something as *basic* as blue jeans, a white button down and then adding fabulous pumps and jewelry. Nothing basic about that.

Related: Capsule Wardrobe: What To Wear In A Pinch Almost Anywhere

Take a pink dress I've had for about 6 years. Pink? Did someone mention pink? Pink happens to be making a strong appearance in this year's inaugural Home Vault Guide, Decking The Halls and Dressing The Tree: Your Style Vault Holiday Home Shopping Guide! 

Whether you're decorating your home for the holidays or still searching for the perfect gifts for everyone on your list, I've got a guide for it! If you're a Complete Member, you get all of these for free as a membership perk! Not a Complete Member? No problem! All of my guides are available for a one-time purchase of $3.99, or you can try Your Style Vault Complete for FREE to start reading them now.





Look Number 1

Iris Apfel, my all-time favorite accessorizer, famously says, Put your money into accessories. You could create a million different looks. I wear this pink dress all Spring, and then again in Fall just by changing the accessories. I wore it for a holiday party last year with these accessories:

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Look Number 2

I am slightly obsessed with matching cuffs. I like symmetry in general, and when I see a pair of cuffs, or heck, even a pair of lamps, I'm sorely tempted to take them home. I bought these cuffs on eBay and bring them out during the holidays. A pair makes such a strong statement.

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Look Number 3

It's a great fashion formula: take a white dress or white jeans or white blouse, and add colorful earrings and shoes. The shoes really make the difference! Once you have your basics like black patent pumps, good flats, a good bootie, then you can branch out into the less basic shoes like these!

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Don't miss our Holiday Home Shopping Guide!





Be sure to check out our recent blogs for more great must-haves. And Insiders, stay tuned for more exclusive Complete Style Vault membership perks like pre-releases of videos and shopping guides coming your way for the holidays!

Thanks for reading,



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