A Christmas Day Outfit
Tina, here.
Let's take a moment to sit still, breathe, gaze at your Christmas tree if you're at home, or just close your eyes and imagine. Oh the calm joy that can envelop us at Christmastime when we are at peace. This, this, my dear friends, is what I want for you on Christmas Day. Not worrying about what you're wearing or fussing with your outfit. So let's find an outfit now, before the big day, so that when it comes all you have to do is get dressed. No decisions or fussing or worrying. If you don't have this in your closet, you still have time to purchase my suggestions. But don't delay, or you'll miss the point. ?
You'll notice there's not one piece of holiday-themed paraphernalia or blinking sweatshirt trying to sneak its way in - that's for your ugly Christmas sweater party!
Some of you may remember the little kitty that came bounding into my Aunt Coco's summer house this past fall. Poor little scrawny thing that she was. Skin and bones. Well, she adopted me. And her name is Coco. Naturally. And she's my little joy.
What will you be doing Christmas morning? Do you wake up to kids at your bedside, clamoring to see what Santa brought? Does the father make the kids wait on the stair steps for a family photo before letting them tear into the living room, like mine did? It was excruciating. But it sure built the momentum. I'd love to hear some of your Christmas morning traditions.
You have only one Saturday to finish your shopping! But you don't need to go anywhere. Insiders you have all-access to all our guides, including this year's Gift Guide and Holiday Home Shopping Guide! If you're not an Insider yet, you can join for free to access all our content and shopping guides early!
Here are some of the most popular gifts from this year's list:
Comfort Cotton Socks + Gift Box, Amazon, $13.95
For GNI, aka Girls Night In. Or, for more regular use, wear them to give a subtle message to your honey. You have an excellent excuse in your defense, "Well I didn't buy them, your favorite sister gave them to me because she knew her brother needed to fetch me some wine every now and then!"
Shhh This Might Be Wine Travel Mug, Wilkins & Olander, $17
I have one of these and it never fails to break me into a fit of giggles. Bystanders get a kick out of it, too. And they'll try to buy it off your BFF, with or without her "coffee" in it. Better get two. Or three. One for you, and one for her, and one as a backup.
Whether you're decorating your home for the holidays or still searching for the perfect giftsfor everyone on your list, I've got a guide for it! If you're a Complete Member, you get all of these for free as a membership perk! Not a Complete Member? No problem! All of my guides are available for a one-time purchase of $3.99, or you can try Your Style Vault Complete for FREE to start reading them now.
Thanks for reading and Merry , Merry!
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