A New Day Is Dawning In Fashion
Tina, here.
Big announcement. In a shocking turn of events, the Too Tight and Too Sexy trend is no longer de rigueur in the fashion world. Hands up! It's now about Pretty and Flowy. This means less frontal real estate on deck (i.e. cleavage), and more of the back. It means looser-fitting lines over skintight styles, as in the bootcut is new again. (Can I get some cred please for pushing the benefits of the bootcut for like ever??) And it means, get ready for it, the shoulder is in.
Come again?

Shoulders, like we haven’t seen since the gorgeous necklines of the 1950’s, are making a huge comeback in fashion. I just love a beautiful throwback to the 1950’s, and though we may not have the waistline of a 1950’s Swan, we can have her shoulders.
Embrace the off-the-shoulder trend this season, ladies. Why? Because women’s shoulders don’t tend to show our age as much as our other features do. We don't really gain weight in our shoulders. They don't exactly wrinkle, and, well, there's just something alluring about baring your shoulder. And there's no age limit with the off-the-shoulder trend like there is with mini-skirts and fringe.

We have made our personal styling services accessible to anyone who joins the Style Vault! You'll shop items similar to those featured in the blogs, including today's, and see how to wear them. And we never take money from retailers when you buy something we recommend.

The beauty of a lot of wide-set and off-the-shoulder tops is that you can kinda mess with them and pull the shoulders up higher during the day, and then, with this top, I can actually pull them down quite a bit. [Style Vault members, log in now to shop fresh new items, including off-the-shoulder tops and a strapless bra, just added to the Style Notes in February's Vault.]

How old is too old to wear off-the-shoulder tops? There's no age limit. It's not like cleavage and mini-skirts, which is why you'll see this trend being a huge one this spring.
Oh, and one more thing. Don’t be shocked when you are kissed on the shoulder. There’s your fair warning.
Want to work with a real stylist and have us up close and personal, in your closet, shopping with you and styling you? We do that! Barbara and I are taking spring wardrobe makeover appointments now! Check out our in-person wardrobe packages here. And check out the members-only Style Vault here and start shopping our must-haves!
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Photos by Krissy Leigh Creative