Day 3: 4 Easy Fall Outfits Using One Chic Piece

Tina, here.

Here we are! Day 3 of our 4 day experiment (obvs not all in a row, because you'd want to do laundry). We've been taking one piece of clothing and creating multiple outfits. Actually, it's my favorite thing to do. It's what I do every day for myself (I wear the same things over and over for years and years, just in different ways), and it's what I teach our clients. It's the bedrock of our philosophy, use what you have and only add what you need by investing in the classics and having fun with trends on the cheap. We're using a simple but versatile grey turtleneck as our piece du jour.

If you'd like to shop the whole post, with all 4 days, Insiders can log in now, or you can join for free if you're not a member. 

Let's start with the main ingredient of the outfit. (You can skip this part if you're already up to speed with outfits for Day 1 and Day 2 - involving a really cool moto jacket - and jump to Day 3 below.)

A Face-Framing Knit Turtleneck

To be more specific, a grey knit turtleneck. You thought it was the white jeans, didn't you? ? A turtleneck is a very flattering silhouette if you can stand it, and I think you can if you go with a knit. I chose a knit turtleneck because wool scratches my chin, and I only need its warmth on the coldest of days. I am VERY particular about the neck. I like a tight-fitting neck, but not too tight that I'm aware of it, and I like to be able to stand it up straight instead of fold in half. I think it's cleaner that way. And frames the face a bit better.

(psssst...Complete Insiders have already been shopping the full-length post with all 4 outfits. If you'd like to experience early access to posts like these, plus exclusive content, become a Complete Insider today for free!)

YSV Free Trial

There are so many ways to wear a turtleneck. Here are the ones I've scouted that I like for this fall, at different price points and fabrications. I'm wearing the J. Crew one, but mine isn't heathered like this year's style.

Day 3: Grab a Denim Skirt & Tall Boots


Days 4 is coming...if you'd like to shop the whole post now, members can log in, or you can join our 5 day trial here.

As you have gathered I'm sure, I love versatile and classic pieces that I can wear multiple ways in multiple seasons. It just makes more sense! And leaves you room to splurge on the major pieces. Have fun mixing and matching - you'll feel like you have more clothes without buying anything new!

Thanks for reading!




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