How To Be More Stylish: 3 Quick Tips
Tina, here.
In light of the fact we don't all have French handmaidens to dress us every morning and keep our noses powdered and our lipstick fresh, I've got 3 quick tips to keep you stylish that even the most low-maintenance of us can handle.
Start with a blank slate, which for me is white everything. White tee, white skinny jeans and a little makeup (concealer, bronzer, mascara and gloss). For you it might be a Skort and a tee, or a tunic.
**Insiders received early access to this post last week and have been shopping already! They also received our brand new video, "How To Be More Stylish." Step inside the Vault and try it out for free today!**
Related: Six Products You Need In Your Life Now
And then start adding style!
1. Add an accessory. It's that 3rd piece, the "finisher," that elevates a look.
The idea is that when you add that 3rd piece, the finisher, you are taking your look from ho-hum, cookie-cutter, bore to snappy and happy. It's that final touch that's the difference-maker. A hat, a necklace, a belt. Fun shoes.
I'm dishing more of my tips and tricks on how to make an outfit more stylish in our latest video, "How To Be More Stylish." Insiders, log in now to watch! Not an Insider? Join today for free to see what's inside and to access our shopping content first, before anyone else, and exclusive resources just for you.
2. Try a little yin-yang. High - low. Uptown - downtown.
Satin + Denim. Like leather and lace, but not, Stevie. I also love a leather belt with a hammered brass buckle with my "big girl pearls."
It's the juxtaposition. And it's unexpected. And it means you can be sitting around with the kiddos outside at the Dairy Dip and suddenly decide you'd like to have a Cosmo at the swanky hotel bar with friends, and just hop on over without a wardrobe change! (Who are you?? Let's be friends!)
3. Toss your shoes. No seriously.
If you have succumbed to flats and the dreaded "comfort shoes" then I have news for you. Just like in the faux pearl and spanx departments, comfort shoes have come a long way. The technology is better, but so are the designers. So get rid of your ugly comfort shoes and replace them with new and improved stylish pairs. Here are a few of my favorites for the season, and if you're a Complete Insider, you received an entire issue, SV Complete Exclusive: Shop This: Summer Shoes, Comfortable and Stylish.
More styles and designers inside the Complete Vault!
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