I Changed My Mind About These For A Really Good Reason
Tina, here.
I have never liked short-sleeve button downs on men or women. Especially on men. They look like 8th grade schoolboy or camp counselor uniforms. But, we grow, we evolve, we mature in our tastes and I have decided that I like some, only some, short-sleeve button downs, but ONLY on women. Men still look like or 8th graders or camper counselors.
What is it that changed my mind? Honestly I think it was an image I saw on Pinterest of a way-cooler-than-me chick wearing one with jeans or army pants (follow me on Pinterest!). And my waaaay cool friend Betsy wears them and I basically want to be her, so I thought, yeah, I'm gonna defect. And be the kind of girl who wears short-sleeve button downs. I'm always looking for good tops, and this opens up a small new window of opportunities.
But, there are rules. As always.
See what I mean? Please, no.
How To Wear A Short-Sleeve Button Down
1. The short-sleeve button down is never to be dressed up (ok rarely).
It is only a casual shirt, to be worn casually. Even better if you underscore its casualness by daisy-duking it at the waist.
Here are a few more I like. Scroll down to see how I styled these.
2. Cuff the sleeves about a half inch.
Typically speaking, the cuff on the sleeves will hit at an awkward place, in the middle of the upper arm, and they are usually too wide. By simply cuffing them slightly, you create a narrow angle, and thus a more feminine finish. Plus they will be a tad shorter and hit at the upper region of your arm. Millimeters, dolls. Good dressing is a game of millimeters. It's these little style tips I share with you that make a big difference in how you actually look. It's what makes people wonder how you always look so pulled together...
Did she lose weight? Did she go on vacation? Is she using new skincare? By the way, we just released our brand new, members-only guide Should I Buy That? If You Take This Advice, I Guarantee You'll Be More Stylish Without Making One More Purchase. If you'd like to get inside now, join our free trial today and you'll have access to all our members-only content! There's also a new video with 3 quick styling tips from me!
How To Wear It
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