How To Dress For Crazy Spring Weather
Tina, here.
We're in that weird in-between season, the ups and downs of spring, as New York Times' Bill Cunningham calls it. He posted photos of women on the streets in New York, and by the way I regularly see this in Nashville this time of year, too, wearing winter coats over here, and sundresses and sandals over there. It's anyone's guess what's appropriate when the temperature spread can easily span 30 degrees in one day. Like when you leave your house it's 39 and by lunch it's 72. So how do you dress for this crazy spring weather?
It's all in the mix, my dear friends. Dress for the temperature, in layers, and in spring colors.
Shop similar looks from today’s post inside the Style Vault, Our core promise is to deliver great recommendations for a fabulous wardrobe both Audrey Hepburn and Olivia Pope would wear, all found in one, easy-to-shop place. Find out more here.
Vault members don’t forget to shop my picks for some great winter-into-spring looks just added to the March Style Vault in Style Notes. (A Spring vest! A menswear blouse! Faux leather / suede pants! Spring cashmere, v-neck!)
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