Spring Transition: How To Dress For The In-Between

Tina, here.

It's cold. It's warm. It's rainy. It's sunny. It's early Spring. What are we supposed to wear? It can be maddening trying to dress for the in-between season. Especially when we are seeing Spring fashion hit the stores. I always get a lot of questions this time of year, like when can I start wearing white jeans? When can I start wearing sandals and wedges? When do you switch out your handbags? Here's what I share with my clients.

How To Dress For The Winter-To-Spring Transition, That In-Between Season Wardrobe Conundrum

Store these Winter staples in March (when, exactly, depends on your region):

1. heavy winter coats in dark colors - Spring is a great time for your pastel winter coats and jackets

2. dark woolen sweaters

3. dark color corduroy and velvet pants

4. heavy winter boots (unless it's snowing)

5. dark leather handbags

Keep wearing these cold-weather styles on cold Spring days:

1. if you need to wear your dark winter coat, pair it with an ensemble like this dress, boots (in the sand color) and tights

2. when you need to wear your snow boots, pair them with these pants (any color) and this kind of sweater (any color)

Start wearing these Spring styles now:

1. white jeans - wait, do you mean you stopped wearing them after Labor Day? It's ok. You're allowed to wear them year-round in the 21st century.

2. pastel sweaters and jackets

3. sandals and wedges IF it's warm enough; let his behavior be your guide, Emma. oops wrong quote, I mean let the temperature be your guide

4. same goes for warm-weather handbags, although I save raffia and straw for May

5. I also really, really, really like black and white for early spring; I find it bridges the gap quite nicely between Winter and Spring

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