The Fabulous Denim Skirt

Tina, here. 

Have you met that Fabulous Thing That Is A Denim Skirt? It happens to be one of my best wardrobe friends and heroes. Perfect in early Spring when your legs are just starting to come out of hibernation. (Side note - also perfect in Fall when you're starting to transition out of linen and cotton, before you get to cords and cashmere. See? Let's say it all together now,  Multiple Seasons! Timeless Staple! Cost Per Wear!) I've been pushing the denim skirt hard for years and years, so hopefully you already have one. But if not, NOW is the time to get one because they are EVERYwhere this Spring. I just looked at Nordstrom, and there are 11 pages of denim skirts. Boos, this is wild. This actually might be the first time in my almost 20 years of doing this you could do a search for a denim skirt and find more than 3 or 4. Wild, I tell you. Wild and crazy. Notably because 90% of them are "no's" which is why you need me to point you to the right ones yourewelcomeverymuch.

Fabulous Denim Skirts

First, here are your key points:

 - Avoid slits that reach up to your ya-ya. The side-slit is brilliant!

- Avoid mini-lengths and maxi-lengths; stick with the goldilocks just right knee-length.

- Avoid embellishments and lots of doo-dads; stick with the classics, which is why my clients who bought a denim skirt 10 years ago are still wearing it.

- Get you a white (or ivory) denim skirt for huge bonus points. 

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Thank you for stopping by! I'd love to help you clean out your closet for Spring! You can see all the ways I can help you here.

Happy Almost Spring!


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