Tina's Holiday Decor Theme : The Stylish Girl's Easy Guide to the Holidays - Day 3

Tina, here.

Today I'm introducing you to my Holiday Decor Theme: Winter Woodland. So original, I know. But when I started thinking about what I wanted my theme to be for decorating my house, I decided I wanted to feel like I was in the middle of the woods, my place of peace and happiness.

Heaven. Actually, Mt. Pisgah Forest near Asheville.

My first Winter Woodland scene you're getting today is how to decorate all those stag and deer horns you've been collecting.

Start with some pretty ornaments. I chose large-scale, etched glass ornaments. Next, tie them with satin or silk ribbon, with a long tail. I love using glass and silk ribbons so I've got some shimmer and light against the roughness of the horns.

Let them hang down from the antlers in streams.

I like the bareness of just a few large glass ornaments, but you could certainly use more and go smaller if you wanted to. Here are some similar etched glass ornaments as mine.

More Winter Woodland ideas and all kinds of delights coming this month! So you don't miss any, subscribe here.

Merry, merry!



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