What To Wear With A Graphic Tee (Wait! What?)
Tina, here.
Yes, it's Tina. Tina Adams, who doesn't wear graphic tees except to sleep in, on occasion. Like that one I found that said, "Being a human is hard. It's time to be a unicorn." But I have friends who seem to pull off this look with ease because they are cool. Way cooler than I am. And younger than I am, I might add. Hey, we know you're out there, looking for someone to show your cool self how to indulge in some fun trends in an age-appropriate way (Jessica is cringing), without looking stupid. So I want to introduce you to Jessica. She's cool. She's age-appropriate in the best of ways, and she breaks my rules. Like all the time. I've given up trying to reform her because I adore her so much and she knows what she's doing. And you're about to, too.

Friends, meet Jessica, who is prepared to walk you through the maze of modern trends done well. I'll never reveal how much she paid me to wear this graphic tee for your amusement.
Modern Trends: Meet Jessica
7 years ago when I met Tina, we were an unlikely match. I am a wife, mother, and entrepreneur with a primary business in marketing and entertainment. The funny part is, none of those things made us an unlikely match. I think I was wearing almost everything she cautioned about daily.

Sure, Tina taught me a few tricks but I have always enjoyed finding the exception to the rule.
For me, fashion has always been an outward expression of my inner voice. I was fortunate enough to have a mother who let me dress myself. Looking back, I have plenty of wonderful photos of me in some rather, um, expressive outfits.

I might title this: Who says sandals are just for summer in Northeast Ohio?
In my teens and early twenties, I spent a lot of time and money scouting the latest trend, even when it might be a ridiculous one at best. I just loved how a single outfit could transform me into a serious intellect during the day and a heavy metal rocker at night. Fashion allowed me to be anything and anyone I wanted to be in a 5-minute change.
As I travelled into my next phase in life; career woman, wife and eventually mother, I struggled with structured suits and I feared I might accidentally purchase mom jeans and use a crayon for a lipstick (ok, so a crayon does work in a pinch with Aquafor). How am I going to continue to wear fashion-forward trends and look, the dreaded, “appropriate”?!?
The reality is I am more prepared than I realized. I have been dressing for the role I wanted for years. The world is still my stage and how I wish to be perceived is still controlled by me. I am as crazy about trends as ever and continue to use fashion to express my inner voice, now I just layer it into the roles I actively play each day.
An obvious trend for me is graphic t-shirts. Why didn’t I invent this trend? Hello, a shirt that literally says what you might be thinking. Much better direct messaging than any outfit I might have dreamed up. Straight to the point. Yep, that’s the problem. Wait a minute, problem?

Yes, what is YOUR message?
Don’t get me wrong, I giggle at “White Wine in the Daytime” and “Last Night’s Makeup” but cringe at the idea of wearing them. Why? My viewing audience is between 5 and 60+, my potential employer, my child’s friend, the high school boy and my husband’s business partner. I have found a few ways to wear graphic t-shirts responsibly.
Graphic Tees: Team Spirit
Are you as crazy about Team U.S.A as I am?

My family loves watching the Olympics. I found this great tank with a vintage logo to convey my team spirit.

Paired with my white skinnies and my throw back Adidas sneakers. After the Olympics are over I will retire this tank. It’s a theme and the party is over for now.
Graphic Tees: Witty
Seriously, every girl needs a break.

Why not let the world know it’s your off day?

This works as a lazy message without alluding to bad behavior or being apathetic. Distressed jeans and some sneaks make this a perfect errand running, manicure getting ensemble.
Graphic Tees : My Tribe
Living here in Nashville and loving every thing about my crazy life, yes that’s me.

I am wearing it loud and proud! Find a message that is playful and let people know you can have fun with who you are.

Layering other pieces over your graphic tee, like a vest or denim jacket, is a nice way to tame its message if you're at all concerned about it.
Hey, the dream is for you, too. Enjoy free shipping when you order this honky tonk graphic tee with code STYLEVAULT. And if you're like me and need some modern trends thrown in to keep your wardrobe from being too blah, subscribe to the blog so you won't miss any posts.
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Photos by Krissy Leigh Creative