What To Wear To A Holiday Office Party [Part 2]

Tina, here.

[Part 1, What To Wear To Every Holiday Party, was one of our most popular posts! Hop on over to shop holiday outfits now!]

Oh dear. Time for our annual conversation about polite and appropriate office party attire. The holiday office party is a different animal from other holiday parties. The biggest social moreI can suggest you stick to is to steer away from too high, too tight, too short and too revealing. Heels over 4 inches are a bit too high. Skirts and dresses much above the knees are a bit too short. And cleavage is completely out of the question. I'd also add a "no pretentious jewelry" rule. No one likes a show-off in the office. Costume jewelry and understated real jewelry is the way to go.

Pile on the jewels!

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Choose rich, yet understated, textures like velvet or satin, just not sequins.

Shop the Look


Here are some more Holiday Office Party outfit ideas:

With your party outfits figured out, let's talk about your home. I've put together a holiday decorating guide, and you can shop everything in it!


Whether you're decorating your home for the holidays or still searching for the perfect giftsfor everyone on your list, I've got a guide for it! If you're a Complete Member, you get all of these for free as a membership perk! Not a Complete Member? No problem! All of my guides are available for a one-time purchase of $3.99, or you can try Your Style Vault Complete for FREE to start reading them now.






I always stick to my "use what you have" philosophy, like my closet, and so you will be amazed what you already have on hand to make your home sparkle this holiday.
Enjoy and all the best,


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