Wintry Indoor Urns - The Stylish Girl's Easy Guide to the Holidays - Day 16

We're back to the woods for a natural display of greenery in your home that is a slight departure from garlands. I for sure don't have the time to make one of those. I have in the past, and it was so much fun, but I guess life was simpler back then ha.

The key for these indoor urns is using real moss. Not the kind you pick up at Target or Michael's. Nope, this moss comes from your nursery or garden center. And you have to mist it every few days so it feels at home in the forest.

I plugged every urn I had with a rounded mound of moss, and then topped them with pinecones right in the center. It really is pretty and so natural. So simple yet charming, don't you think?

I have moss in my backyard, too, that I supplement with. If you don't, that's ok. Off to the nursery!

Merry, merry!


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