How To Pack A Going-Out Clutch
Tina, here.
Are you still carrying your satchel/carryall that poses as a handbag out to dinner at night? Your small carry-on bag with baggies of Goldfish, an extra diaper, maybe a makeup bag you used on the way to work, or all your receipts so you can eventually get to the mall to make your returns?

Even if it's designer and it weighs as much as you do, it's not a good look. Photo credit.
Yeah, not very chic for drinks out with the girls or hosting the company's VP or a romantic tete-a-tete. You know what a large bag tells people? You're HM. Or so I've been told. Harrumph.
What's that under her coat? A clutch. Brilliant way to streamline an outfit. Photo credit lolobu.
You need a going-out clutch and I'm going to show you how 4 women pack theirs with the essentials to keep life simple and low maintenance.
Here's the clutch of a fun-loving girl about town, and clearly the world because she carries her passport with her for a quick exit, and she needs to retouch and fluff up occasionally throughout the evening.

A black clutch, first of all, is like the LBD. Goes everywhere with everything. This envelope style is easy to get in and of, and big enough to hold some makeup products for the true beauty devotee. From Target, similar available here.

And what's inside the clutch? A pen, gum, comb, Rain lip liner (that can double as lipstick), MAC Studio Fix (powder foundation for oily skin; there's a little sponge applicator inside), tampon, debit card, business cards, and an iPhone.
Our next fashionista is a true girly-girl (see that pink clutch?). She loves glamour. She primps, fluffs and gets gussied up and likes to stay that way all night. Here's what's in her clutch:

This girl's got spunk. A pink leather perforated clutch, music on the go (there's no iPhone because she carries her phone in her back pocket), and she's protecting her shades.

And what's inside the clutch? Raybans, Kleenex, Nars blush and brush, lip liner, Louis Vuitton credit card holder, phone charger (she's prepared), and Rosebud Salve chapstick.
Now here's a girl who knows what's up. The Western Glam thing is a thing.

A beaded Aztec-inspired fold-over clutch in a bright turquoise is so very 2015. But I have it on good authority this clutch was bought years ago at a consignment sale.

And what's inside? A credit card, driver's license and cash for the valet tip. And besides the iPhone, a house key (not sure how or why the others forgot this?), breath mints (ditto), Glide floss, By Terry lip gloss (call 615-292-8606 and ask for Carmen) and perfume sampler. I'm starting to wonder what everyone has in their clutches? This could be a fun game.
Now for our final going-out clutch. Let's take a look:

Oh. So she's rockin' the Chanel WOC. Nice. This chick looks low maintenance though.

And inside? The phone and key. Check. Chanel glossimer and perfume sampler. Check. Breath mints. Check. And of course credit card, driver's license and cash for the valet.
I wonder who is so young that she still has to carry her driver's license around for when she's carded? The other clutch owners must be, like, old or something.
Here's your final tip: For day to evening, you're going to put this small clutch inside your satchel/carry-on/day bag and when you go straight from the office or a meeting or a ballgame to some hip restaurant, pull out your clutch and transfer your larger bag into the trunk of your car. Now who's gonna think you're HM?

This jute bag is a great catch-all for daytime, and would easily hold your evening clutch. Photo credit by elisabethleroy1.
Want two ways to get a cute spring clutch for less? Join the Style Vault and inside March's Vault you'll find a few of my favorite clutches, under $100. You can also sign up for one of our wardrobe packages and you'll save up to 20% off your spring clothing when you shop with us. The Women’s Original Shop & Style, and Men’s Original Package are also 20% off until midnight tonight. Enter code SPRING315 at checkout, and be sure to read the terms here.