Announcement! New Amazon Shop AND New Nordstrom Anniversary Picks!
Tina, here.
Don't get mad at me for saying this, but Fall is just around the corner. It's my favorite season, so I'm good with that. It's also my busiest season with wardrobe consulting clients. There are always SO MANY great new things to buy, coming at us every day it seems, and since it's hard to keep up with the latest and greatest, we're introducing a couple new ways for you to follow my favorites! In addition to reading the blog, which you really should subscribe to :) .
The first is to shop our Latest Loves, which has been around for a while, but I forget about it (don't tell my boss) and so I figure maybe you do too. It's been updated, and you know, you can sort by special occasion, type of clothing (like tops), season (like Summer), and now Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. I've added some of my new favorites after seeing several more things I like.
Related: Best Of Nordstrom Anniversary Sale: Top Fall Trends
The second, and I'm really excited about this (and impressed I figured out how to do it - even though the design is very bare bones), is I created an Amazon Shop! My Amazon picks sell like hotcakes whenever I post them (this J. Crew dress was hugely popular with you all!), so I figured I'd make it easy for me to update it, and easy for you to shop the treasures I unearth. I can spend hours on Amazon finding the most random and awesome things. Now I look on Amazon first for about anything I J. Crew! ...who woulda thought? Or I'll do a crazy search for "embroidered velvet mules" or "oval braided butterfly rug"
So I created my Prime Day Shopping List - Prime Day is THIS MONDAY & TUESDAY JULY 15 & 16 - and the thing about Prime Day is you never what the deals are until the minute they go on sale. So I just keep a running list of what I want, and check to see if it's on sale. You can find my list here:
I do know one thing, the best ever stain remover known to mankind - I call it magic science - will be included on Prime Day because I requested it and they said yes! I have so many clients hooked on Roux Maison. It's truly a miracle. But you'll also find all the goodies I regularly order on Amazon, plus some wish list items. Check it out on MONDAY & TUESDAY for PRIME DAY! (you have to be a Prime Member to get the deals, and it well worth it - free and fast shipping on like everything all year long.
I'll be adding to my list as I see things go on sale...don't miss out! This only happens once a year at Amazon!
Thanks for stopping by...Happy shopping!
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