How To Look Good In Photos
Tina, here.
Hear that? It's the sound of clicking and children saying cheeeeese! as everyone around you is snapping photos on their iPhones at all the upcoming parties and graduations. Don't be caught looking terrible in these photos. The camera does not add ten pounds. It's all in how you stand and what you wear. Promise. Here are some easy ways to look fabulous in every picture ever taken of you from here through eternity. Because that's how long these pictures of you will be around, and that's a long time.

These girls know what they're doing. Not one of them is standing square on facing the camera. And not one of them is wearing a crazy pattern that will look outdated in about a minute, causing the next "It" group to make fun of them. Girls' Generation photo courtesy of Wikipedia.

This list is gonna be hardcore. If you follow all these rules, you'll shine all the time. No one ever follows all the rules, so just apply most of them and you'll be fine, I promise.
1. Stick with wearing solids. Patterns can go awry in pictures. They can age you. They can overtake you so all you see is the pattern, not you. They can also look reaaaaally weird on film. Especially really loud patterns. Just look at newscasters wearing awful patterns and how distracting it is.

Our gorgeous Nashville stylist, Barbara Burns, is wearing what we would describe as a rather loud and unnerving print on the left. All you see is that dress. Where's Barbara? If you're going to wear a pattern, try a softer, more water-colory pattern like the one she is wearing on the right.
2. Stick with soft colors. No black. No red. A professional photographer can handle capturing you in black and wearing strong tones, but your sister-in-law's iPhone can't always, especially when you are standing next to other people wearing the wrong patterns and colors because they obviously didn't read this post. Black sucks all the light out of a picture taken by a novice. So will a harsh red or a strong blue.

A harsh tone like a strong blue, in the wrong hands, will drain the light from your face and what surrounds you. Barbara is in a pretty soft neutral on the right, which doesn't compete with the background and wouldn't compete with anyone standing next to her.
3. Anything cut on the diagonal will look flattering and have a slimming effect on you in a photo. Like a wrap dress or a surplice top (we have featured both of these in the Style Vault). Avoid boxy clothing and dresses that look like curtains and table cloths at all costs, like you are borrowing the drapes hanging in someone's living room. And no crewnecks. One more time. No crewnecks.

Even though the dress on the left has some definition at the waist, it is still boxy around the chest and legs and too flouncy and just generally has too many ruffles. And it's black. Notice that the navy blue wrap dress Barbara is wearing on the right is just a bit lighter, plus no woman we've ever dressed didn't look amazing in the right wrap dress or top. That diagonal line it creates is slimming and skims curves rather than hugging them. For our favorite wrap dresses, check out the all-new Style Vault section, April Style Notes.
4. Touch up your lip color. To add dimension and contrast to your face.

Without a little lip color, your face will look one-dimensional. Your lip color is the easiest touch-up on the go. Learn to apply it without a mirror. And reapply often.
5. Don't fret about your arms, but if you do, put them on your hips and they'll look a bit narrower. You can always grab a pashmina to wrap around you (you have one with you already because why wouldn't you? Check the Vault Style Notes in April's Vault for suggestions).

Another great trick to hide your arms (and you really don't need to hide them, I promise) is to casually wrap a pashmina around them, a bit off your shoulders. Your shoulders are always a beautiful attraction point.
6. Rather than facing the camera square on, turn your shoulders to a 45 degree angle. Just your shoulders, not your face. Now dip your chin slightly forward and down, just slightly. And ask your friend taking the picture to hold the camera slightly above your heads, rather than straight on, or even worse, too low.

Wow what a diff. Barbara is so stunning she looks good even in the "don't" pictures, but surely you can see what's happening here. Our shoulders are probably the widest part of our body. So standing with them at an angle to the camera instantly narrows you. Chin forward and down hides your neck, eliminates a double chin, and brings your eyes into focus so they will appear bigger.
7. To narrow your hips and create a waistline, all you have to do is stand with your weight on your back leg, and slightly bend your front knee, the one closest to the camera.

I want to to concentrate on putting your weight on your back leg and slightly bending your front leg. Lots to remember, but you'll get the hang of it.
7. Smile. Always. Even if you have braces or food stuck in your teeth. You are beautiful, my dears. You have earned your smile.
That's not too much to remember is it? Just wear a solid, at least on top, a flattering color and extra points for a good wrap dress or top. Then stand at an angle to the camera with your chin slightly dipped forward, hand on a hip and smile. Live your life, capture the moment and don't worry about how you look once you follow these rules. I'm just protecting you from tacky relatives in future generations who might make fun of what you're wearing today. Pffft. As if.

Isn't Barbara beautiful? She's just as sweet and approachable and stylish, too. If you're lucky enough to work with her, your closet will be whipped into shape and you'll never worry about what to wear. Amy Croker, our Williamson County stylist, is as sweet, stylish and approachable, too.
Thanks for reading. Check out our wardrobe services while you're here. And if you're not in Nashville, join the Style Vault to shop my monthly finds. You'll enjoy special savings, too! All new May Style Vault coming next week!