The Essential Spring Wardrobe Hero, A Topper

Tina, here.

It's the unicorn of Spring outfits. The topper. The Spring coat. That elusive 3rd piece I'm always saying you need to complete an outfit. It's a little longer than a short jacket, but not as long as a dress coat. It typically doesn't have noticeable buttons, but that's not a really important distinguisher. You used to be able to find dresses with matching top coats - those were the days. Sigh. I'm still holding out for the days to return when women dress again. You're gonna be so mad at me because this GORGEOUS Spring coat I'm wearing is from last year. Sorry! I really am. BUT you can still get this fabric in a dress! It's so beautiful. Katherine Hooker designed, drew, painted, however she did it, the pattern by herself. Like with watercolors. Remember last year I hosted Katherine for a trunk show here in Nashville...well at that show, we planned to do another one later in the Spring and feature this butterfly fabric, and well, then evil Covid attacked the world. Ruined all our plans. Because Katherine is from London, where all her beautiful creations are hand sewn.

Look at all her coats and jackets while you're on her site. But, back to spring toppers, I have found you some GREAT ones. And I'm showing you how to add that spring topper, spring coat, to your outfits for the cool mornings and evenings we're having. Here are up-close pics of the fabric you can still get in a dress (other colors, too), and keep scrolling for my picks for your spring jackets.

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RELATED: A Treasure Trove Of My Latest Spring Finds!


Before you buy! Here are a couple things to watch out for when you're looking for a spring coat:

---> A Spring coat or topper is an investment piece. So most of my favorites are neutrals so you can get the most mileage out them with various outfits and occasions. I've included a few crazy splurges, more for your viewing pleasure than anything :).

---> Make sure it would not make a better robe. Generally speaking, I think  'dusters" are too wispy and robe-like.

---> Make sure your coat is not too long, and that would be more than a couple inches below your knees.

---> It's ok for your dress to be longer than your coat.

Spring Toppers And Spring Coats For Your Wardrobe


How To Wear A Topper Or Spring Coat


Are you ready to come out of hibernation?! Sign up for an IN PERSON or VIRTUAL package now to get ready for Spring & Summer!

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Don't miss my latest Guides:

[Video & Download Guide] Bootcut Or Skinny Jeans - Which One Should You Be Wearing?

[Video For Insiders] Step Inside My Closet!

Thank you so much for stopping by - and remember, don't delay! Here today, gone tomorrow!





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