Changing Seasons, Exclusive Clotheskeeping Guide + A Pink Pants Love Affair

Tina, here.

Do you ever have love affairs with clothes you attach important memories to? Like your going-away outfit, or what you wore home from the hospital when you delivered your first child, or even an old sweater you remember your grandfather wearing? I have such an affair with pink pants, because I remember my grandmother wearing them in the Summer with her Tretorns and a little polo. And she had turtle earrings. More on that...but first, Insiders, you are receiving an exclusive Clotheskeeping Guide just for you! Everyone needs to know the rules of thumb when it comes to what to store, what's year-round, what to retire and what to bring back into the rotation. Hop on over now to your Insiders post for this new guide,

Clotheskeeping: Rules Of Thumb For Rotating Your Winter Wardrobe Into Spring & Summer

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If you'd like help switching over your closet for the new season, email me! I'll take care of it!

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It's April and I'm wearing my pink pants. So that's that. I've waited long enough.

Related: Color For Spring! Easter Outfits & More

My pink chinos (similar) are a tad short, but as long as they are not venturing toward the evil capri (short and skinny) you can get aways with it. I only like women's chinos if they are in pretty colors, otherwise they look like school boys' uniforms. I'm wearing this bamboo-cotton henley and this belt I got from Halsbrook years ago, and it's so fabulous they still sell it.

Style Your Pink Pants For Spring







Don't forget, Insiders, to check out your new Clotheskeeping Guide, plus all your exclusive guides and videos.

Thank you for stopping by! And, if you decide you'd like me to clean out your closet and get you ready for Spring, email me today to book your appointment!



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