Beyond White Jeans (Sometimes I Need More!)

Tina, here.

I think it's fair to say that white jeans are somewhat of a signature look for me. And my clients, once I get my hands on their closets! But sometimes, even I crave something beyond white jeans. For variety's sake I guess. Don't get me wrong, I still have 12 pairs of white jeans in every shape and style. But I'll pull a color out just to shake things up every now and then. And today is that day.

Related: How To Look Good In White Jeans

For someone who wears mostly neutrals, I do love p'orange. But I've always been a fan of tone-on-tone. It's how I usually wear color, if I'm not wearing it with, can you guess, white!

Shop The Look


Don't forget, if you're wearing a crew-neck, add a big necklace to break it up so it doesn't look like you're wearing a men's gym t-shirt.

I love using this pink clutch on casual-ish occasions. Here are some really pretty clutches for the Summer!

Thank you for visiting. Why not give it a whirl and try some bold color this Summer?





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