Love 'Em Or Hate 'Em, But I Love My Goodwill Find!
Tina, here.
I am the definition of high-low style. I shop at Goodwill. And Chanel (most of the very small collection of Chanel I have I bought second-hand). The Rule Of High-Low Dressing is one of my Three Rules For Creating Fabulous Outfits Every Day and it's why I can get dressed for any occasion in fewer than 10 minutes. Now, I may not be able to teach you how to shop Goodwill like a pro (I once found a pair of Jimmy Choo nude pumps for my BFF Deidre - I think they were like $5), but I can show you how to style just about anything in your closet to make it feel fresh and new for the season. I'm already in clients' closets cleaning out to get ready for Fall shopping/updating/turning old pieces into new outfits. It's so much fun that I was able to talk (ok, I plead) a client of mine to let us video all three appointments with her that come with a wardrobe package - the closet clean out, the shopping and the style session.* Not only is she hilarious, but you will be shocked what really happens behind closed doors when we're putting a client's wardrobe back in order. It is SO much fun.
*I'm taking Fall appointments now. To go ahead and get on my schedule, you may want to book now. I tend to get pretty busy :). You can see the packages here.
Anywaaaay, so here is another one of my "finds" from Goodwill. My inspiration were the patio pants my mother and grandmother used to wear in Summer. I feel like Babe Paley in them. Minus the cabana. And cabana boy. And gin & tonic. And the pool. But the pants do a lot for me, I swear. Yes, there is a fine line between capris and patio pants. These are not evil capris. Any shorter and they would be.
Shop The Look
low quantities in these, but take a look (and they are massively reduced)
Thank you for visiting. And since it's a new season, I'm bringing you all-new, members-only Shopping Guides and downloads. Stay tuned!
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